Author: nlkadmin

  • A Message From our Lab Director Regarding Your Frozen Tissues

    Dear Hanabusa patients, We at Hanabusa IVF know these are stressful and confusing times for everyone. We are reaching out to you today to reassure you that during these difficult times that all of your cryopreserved tissues in storage at Hanabusa IVF are being very well taken care of. We have one of the most…

  • Stars – They Really Are Just Like Us!

    Infertility isn’t an easy topic to talk about and talking with family and friends can be more of a challenge than expected. According to Resolve, 1 in 8 couples, or more than 7 million people experience infertility. That statistic includes celebrities who decided that IVF should be perceived with no shame or guilt. Just this past year,…

  • ‘Tis the Season for Self-Care!

    Oh, Holidays. What a magical time of the year. Spending time with your loved ones, holiday parties, baking, the list could go on and on. But holidays can also bring up that dreaded question, “When are you going to have a baby?” Or if you’re struggling with secondary infertility, “When are you going to have…

  • Sarah Pitlyk: Federal Judge Opposed to IVF and Surrogacy recently approved by Senate Republicans

    Sarah Pitlyk, a lawyer who has argued that surrogacy and IVF have “grave effects on society” who was nominated for a seat on the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri was recently approved by Senate Republicans. Like many of you reading this, as well as many of us in our community, our…

  • Fertility at 35

    For women who hope to have a child, age 35 can loom large in one’s mind. Worry and fear can surround this birthday, and while fertility does decrease at this age, it is by no means a firm and sure “sell by” date as societal and cultural messages tend to dictate. Which is why it…

  • Good News for the Start of Summer

    Hanabusa IVF is celebrating two patient success stories. First, one of our Japanese patients who is in a same-sex marriage is now pregnant. Her story is rather complicated, and not just medically speaking due to the fact that, in Japan, it is illegal for LGBQT couples to have children. However, using a center in Japan,…

  • April Showers bring May Flowers….and Infertility Awareness Week

    April ushers in many things—spring, sunnier days, warmth and blooms, buds and blossoms. It is the season of renewal and rebirth, both healing and restorative, and always a reminder that newness and life brims around each and every corner. But for anyone in the midst of infertility, it can also be a tough season. The…

  • California, “The Fertility State”

    California, “The Fertility State,” is well on its way to becoming The Golden State’s new nickname so much so that even Vogue noticed the state’s lead in all things related to IVF, publishing a recent feature, “How California Became the World’s Fertility Treatment Destination.” In it, writer Jancee Dunn, explores the many reasons behind California’s ascendance as leader of…

  • The Future of Infertility Treatments?

    As 2019 progresses, news of promising fertility and reproductive medicine advances continues to make headlines. Another Time Magazine cover titled “The Future of Babies,” features stories about uterus transplants, gene editing and the rise of three-parent embryos. Even more promising the main article which predominantly focuses on DNA editing—MRT or Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy—discusses how such…

  • “Mindful” Holidays and a “Mindful” New Year

    This is the time of year when everyone is making a list and checking it twice. With endless “To Do” lists, “gift” lists, “holiday card” lists, “holiday food shopping” lists, one’s life can seem like a never-ending list. For anyone who is also dealing with infertility at this time of year, life can seem more…