Author: nlkadmin

  • Synthetics and Sperm

    A few blog posts back, we focused on the need for men to be aware of their sperm count and overall fertility health. Knowing that fertility takes two, it is just as important for men to have quality sperm and a high sperm count as it is for women to have a plentiful number of…

  • I.V.G. – A New Advance in Reproductive Research

    New stem cell research advances are presenting some headlines that are sci-fi worthy. Researchers from Kyusha University in Japan have succeeded in taking the skin stem cells from mice, performing some complicated bio-engineering and creating reproductive cells forming eggs and sperm. As the New York Times reported this can make for some wild speculations about what the…

  • Infertility Support Group: A Mind-Body Approach for the San Diego Community

    Infertility Support Group: A Mind-Body Approach for the San Diego CommunityTuesdays, starting June 13th Beginning Tuesday evenings, starting June 13th the new Infertility Support Group, led by social worker Rachel Rabinor (LCSW) and naturopathic Dr. Elizabeth Winter (ND), will begin its next six-week session. Started as a way to fill a void in the San…

  • Infertility Awareness Week and the San Diego Walk for Hope

    Last month during Infertility Awareness Week, several leading newspapers ran headlines noting that one in eight couples struggled with infertility. That’s 15 percent of the couples in the U.S. While this may not be news to couples who have already faced or are facing infertility, raising awareness and educating the wider public is a positive…

  • Evatar: A New and Exciting Reproductive Health Model

    Evatar is a new exciting technological advance that has just been added to the field of reproductive health. It’s a complete, robotic replica of the female reproductive system. The team of researchers from Northwestern University, the University of Illinois at Chicago and Draper Laboratory developed Evatar and it comes equipped with a complete uterus, ovaries…

  • Quantity and Quality for Sperm Too

    While preoccupation and focus on fertility may seem a predominantly female concern, it is important to note that 50% of infertility worldwide is also a result of male fertility issues. Men need to pay just as much attention to fertility as women do. After all, it does take two in order to make a baby,…

  • IVF and Springing Forward

    As we spring forward into Daylight Savings Time in Southern California, we’d like to bring your attention to a new study regarding fertility and the time change. Pushing the clock an hour forwards or backwards may not seem like enough to make a huge difference in matters of IVF, but the change does alter our…

  • Complicated IVF Cases and Our Success Stories

    At Hanabusa IVF we are committed to taking on all forms of infertility, even the most challenging cases. Some of our recent patients have come to us with previous failed IVF and IUI attempts and others have Diminished Ovarian Reserve (DOR), high FSH or Premature Ovarian Failure (POF). Despite these complications, Hanabusa IVF is able…

  • A Final Graduation (A Case of Premature Ovarian Failure)

    My last days at New Hope were a whirlwind of emotions and many sad goodbyes. Fortunately, one good-bye was a happy one: I was able to graduate AG! AG had a beautiful ultrasound heartbeat on 3 separate occasions and the fetus was growing appropriately, so it was time to move her on to her obstetrician.…

  • Quality over Quantity When Implanting Embryos

    New research shows that implanting two embryos cuts the chances for a successful pregnancy by a quarter, particularly if one embryo is in a poorer state of health than the other. The body, instead of focusing on the healthy embryo, will concentrate on the less viable embryo and can then reject a pregnancy altogether. Doctors…