Author: nlkadmin

  • Red Herring: Another case of more-than-simply-blocked-tubes and multiple IVF failures

    CK was 38 years old and had been dealing with secondary infertility for many years. She conceived once in the distant past in a prior relationship but terminated that pregnancy. While being treated by a prior physician, Dr. A, CK was diagnosed with blocked fallopian tubes (both sides). Not only were the tubes blocked, the…

  • Less is Best: A case of probable tubal damage, possible endometrium issues, and multiple IVF failures ending in success!

    When I was 38 years old and had never been pregnant before. After a normal workup and multiple failed IUI cycles using a combination of oral and injectable meds, SW was diagnosed with infertility of unknown origin and started IVF treatments. Dr. A, at a very well respected center in San Diego, chose a classic…

  • Batting 1.000

    Hooray! Our Clomid-only IVF egg retrieval from last week resulted in a Blastocyst! I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised. Our patient is still relatively young (i.e. not yet 40) and , even though Hanabusa IVF is a new center in San Diego, our mother center Hanabusa Women’s Clinic is the second largest center in…

  • Does size matter (needle size that is)?

    We just received follow up from one of our young patients who recently had an egg retrieval. She was one of our Egg Donors, a young woman who donates her eggs to another patient who is having difficulty conceiving because of poor egg quality. Our donor is feeling great! She has had minimal to no…

  • Finally!

    Finally! After weeks of organization and much anticipation, I was finally able to perform our first Japanese Minimal Stimulation IVF egg retrieval at Hanabusa IVF. I believe this would be the first in the San Diego area. What is Japanese Minimal Stimulation IVF? I am going to save that for next time. Let us continue. A little…

  • Rational IVF

    The other day, my wife asked why I don’t shorten my stories. I explained to her that these entries were more than stories of inspiration and hope; these stories are also meant to explain and educate. When patients come to me after failing at other centers, I sometimes find myself having difficulty following the logic…

  • Welcome to San Diego

    Leaving New York was bittersweet. I have great memories of the rush and franticness of my younger days but, after almost 25 years and now having two young children, I don’t need that anymore.