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A Final Graduation (A Case of Premature Ovarian Failure)
My last days at New Hope were a whirlwind of emotions and many sad goodbyes. Fortunately, one good-bye was a happy one: I was able…
Quality over Quantity When Implanting Embryos
New research shows that implanting two embryos cuts the chances for a successful pregnancy by a quarter, particularly if one embryo is in a poorer…
The New Link between IVF and Cortisol Levels in Hair
Healthy hair is a good indication of overall good health. When you’re stressed, hair is often the first to show signs of strain. Dry, brittle,…
IVF Over 40?
Now that it takes longer to establish one’s career and find a suitable life partner, women are delaying starting a family until their late 30s…
Single-Embryo Transfer (SET) or Multiple-Embryo Transfer (MET)
At one time, twin sightings were a rare occasion, but due to the rise of both IVF and the use of fertility drugs, twins and…
“Don’t give a load of importance to any one cycle.”
There was a really interesting article published in New York Times this morning. We would like to highlight a really important point of this research…
China Struggles with IVF Demand as One-Child Policy Ends
News spread fast in October when China officially announced to end one-child policy. Since then we had several internal discussions guessing how it would affect…
Canadian study: Lack of age limit for government-funded IVF is costly and ineffective
A retrospective study of the Quebec pregnancy registry indicated no successful IVF pregnancies in patients > 44 y/o in Canada from 2010-2012. The conclusions from…
Japanese IVF, among numerous other news sites, recently posted a picture (shown left) that has been getting some attention around the web: It’s a great image…