Category: Hanabusa IVF

  • A Final Graduation (A Case of Premature Ovarian Failure)

    My last days at New Hope were a whirlwind of emotions and many sad goodbyes. Fortunately, one good-bye was a happy one: I was able to graduate AG! AG had a beautiful ultrasound heartbeat on 3 separate occasions and the fetus was growing appropriately, so it was time to move her on to her obstetrician.…

  • Success Story – Mini IVF Results in Three Healthy Embryos

    Hanabusa IVF is happy to report the results of a successful mini IVF treatment. A 35-year old patient whose tubal issues were causing her infertility problems now has three healthy embryos. This patient preferred a low stimulation approach to IVF. When formulating her personalized treatment plan, we recommended minimal stimulation IVF with the understanding that…

  • The New Link between IVF and Cortisol Levels in Hair

    Healthy hair is a good indication of overall good health. When you’re stressed, hair is often the first to show signs of strain. Dry, brittle, dull hair often means that the stress hormone cortisol is wrecking havoc with your system. Less stress and a diet full of omega 3s, grass-fed meats or other proteins can…

  • Hanabusa IVF Pleased to Announce a Successful Pregnancy

    We are happy to announce a successful pregnancy. Using IVF with a Gestational Carrier (GC) in the U.S., the Intended Parents (IP) from Ying IVF, one of our global connections in China, flew to Japan to undergo IVF treatment in our Kobe offices. (Because IVF can require many cycles to be successful, Chinese patients often…

  • IVF Over 40?

    Now that it takes longer to establish one’s career and find a suitable life partner, women are delaying starting a family until their late 30s and early 40s, the very time when a woman’s fertility starts to decline. As a result, women over 40 are turning to IVF, and in the second article of her…

  • China Struggles with IVF Demand as One-Child Policy Ends

    News spread fast in October when China officially announced to end one-child policy. Since then we had several internal discussions guessing how it would affect IVF business in China and in the United States. We were guessing that in light of the new policy there would be less pressure to have boy in the family…

  • Canadian study: Lack of age limit for government-funded IVF is costly and ineffective

    A retrospective study of the Quebec pregnancy registry indicated no successful IVF pregnancies in patients > 44 y/o in Canada from 2010-2012. The conclusions from the authors is that IVF in woman> 44 y/o is pointless and expensive. We have been involved with dozens of successful IVF pregnancies in woman older than 44 years (their…

  • Japanese IVF, among numerous other news sites, recently posted a picture (shown left) that has been getting some attention around the web: It’s a great image for sure to represent all of the needles and medications that are part of a Traditional IVF protocol. It certainly caught our attention. We thought we’d post our take on…

  • If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it : A case of premature ovarian failure, Fragile X, embryo banking, and frozen embryo transfer

    Despite being across the country, a number of patients from my prior IVF center still consult with me regarding their treatment. One of these patients is AD. AD came to me when she was 32 years old. She had been diagnosed with premature ovarian failure (POF) and her last natural period had been 5 years…

  • Red Herring: Another case of more-than-simply-blocked-tubes and multiple IVF failures

    CK was 38 years old and had been dealing with secondary infertility for many years. She conceived once in the distant past in a prior relationship but terminated that pregnancy. While being treated by a prior physician, Dr. A, CK was diagnosed with blocked fallopian tubes (both sides). Not only were the tubes blocked, the…