Category: Patient Stories

  • Red Herring: Another case of more-than-simply-blocked-tubes and multiple IVF failures

    CK was 38 years old and had been dealing with secondary infertility for many years. She conceived once in the distant past in a prior relationship but terminated that pregnancy. While being treated by a prior physician, Dr. A, CK was diagnosed with blocked fallopian tubes (both sides). Not only were the tubes blocked, the…

  • Batting 1.000

    Hooray! Our Clomid-only IVF egg retrieval from last week resulted in a Blastocyst! I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised. Our patient is still relatively young (i.e. not yet 40) and , even though Hanabusa IVF is a new center in San Diego, our mother center Hanabusa Women’s Clinic is the second largest center in…

  • Finally!

    Finally! After weeks of organization and much anticipation, I was finally able to perform our first Japanese Minimal Stimulation IVF egg retrieval at Hanabusa IVF. I believe this would be the first in the San Diego area. What is Japanese Minimal Stimulation IVF? I am going to save that for next time. Let us continue. A little…